Pump Technician servicing a oil and gas pump.

Pump Technician Vacancies in Australia

On this page, you’ll find a number of pump technician jobs featured complete with job title, location and remuneration information. Regardless of whether you’re looking for a role as a senior pump sales engineer, browsing gas pump technician jobs or simply want to find out what pump sales jobs openings are out there, the team at Rowe & Co can help. Our database contains many industry-leading companies that are constantly looking for suitably qualified and experienced professionals to fill all manner of pump tech jobs, for permanent, temporary and contract positions.

If you are searching online for ‘pump repair jobs near me’, pump technician jobs or any other related discipline, Rowe & Co are the people to speak to. Our experience in the sector enables us to quickly and efficiently match the right people to the right roles benefitting both employees and employers. We don't just help experienced industry professionals; we also feature entry-level pump repair technician jobs from time to time so we can also advise you on how to take the first step on the ladder in this fast-growing sector.

Please take your time to browse our featured pump repair jobs in Australia and if you find a position that interests you, please click on the specific job for more details. If you can’t find the role best suited to your experience and qualifications, please don’t hesitate to speak to one of our team. New job openings are added regularly so if you can’t find the job you’re looking for today you might well find it in the very near future. Bookmark this page for future reference and be sure to check in regularly. Alternatively, you can give us a call or send us your CV and we’ll notify you if any suitable sales, repair, engineering or pump technician vacancies arise.