You Can Create The Future You Imagined.

Like many engineers, do you put all your efforts on the job, rather than on building your career?

Socrates is credited with

‘The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on creating the future’.

Life is complex and busy for everyone. I understand that it’s really easy to get caught up in the challenges of day to day living and lose sight of your purpose.

You’re not alone in this.

Often I hear candidates say,

‘I can’t leave the project I’m currently working on’, or, ‘I’m not sure if it is the right time to make a change’, or, ‘I’m not sure if I have the right skills/experience’.

So when you complete the project will there be another project to begin? How will you know when you’ve got suitable skills/experience? There will always be many reasons to stay in your current role. I see these as blockers and you will always see blockers if you look for them.

In fact there is no perfect time to consider making changes.

You will always be able to find reasons not to progress in your career. Remember you are in control of your future and the only person who can manage your career progression.

So let go of the past and present. Set your directions on your future.

  • What does your imagined life look like?

To clarify your thoughts, picture in your mind what you thought your life would be like.  Identify what are the most important aspects of your future in terms or importance and who will be involved. It may help to write it down and share with others. This can help you to be specific about your thoughts, rather than ‘I want to be successful in business and make money’. The way to really aspire to, and reach goals is to make them specific and achievable.

This quote from Zig Ziglar, successful business leader and author, sums it up perfectly:

 “If you want to reach a goal, you must ‘see the reaching’ in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.”

A similar process is outlined by Stephen Covey in his 7 habits model –

‘Begin with the end in mind’,

So start with a clear picture of your destination.

Covey’s beginning with the end in mind is based on the principal that all things are created twice – first in the mind and then in reality.

So choose your goals carefully –and begin your plan, begin the process of directing your focus on your future. Remember this quote by Lao Tzu

‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’. 

  • Do you know what you want?

Covey goes further to say in his 7 habits model – make sure that your ladder is up against the right wall before you start your climb. No sense setting goals in an industry that you don’t feel suits your skills, your strengths and probably most importantly your interests.

  • What’s your current career reality?

Self-reflection can be one of the hardest things to do accurately. We can all be our own harshest critics. This is a common trend and one to be aware of when thinking of your current career. To understand present reality, talk this through with a trusted friend to identify current positives and specific growth areas. Identification of your present reality will be the basis for successful action towards achieving your goals.

There are many self-reflection tools available. Mind Maps provide an insightful visual representation of your current situation. Map your career so far  and continue the map to represent your career in the future without any intervention. Then overlay your desired career. This method of reflection is really good for people who prefer visual representation.

Other methods that perhaps achieve a more objective perspective are – self assessment questionnaires – 360 feedback processes – and psychometric assessments are very helpful too.

  •  After completing your reflection –

What do you know now that you didn’t know before? Are there gaps?

With the information you have now from your self-reflection process you will have a clearer picture of your current reality. Now you need to make use of this data to help you identify your goals.

Goal setting is a significant part of your change process.

Benjamin May is credited with this quote –

‘The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal, it lies in having no goals to reach.”

  •  It’s time to plan

Covey again uses a metaphor this time of building a house. We know that plans are essential to building a house and we wouldn’t start to build without plans. Why are plans neglected in our life?

Ask yourself if the future that you currently see in front of you, is the future that you want?

  •  Set your goals.

Begin an action plan for your future. Identify your specific goals.  Of all the goals you’re considering, which one, when resolved will give you the ROI of whatever, time, energy or dollars into it?

 What actions are necessary to create your future?

You’ve put some thought into your goals and you have a clearer picture of where you want to be in your future, the next step is to identify what is needed to get you there. What actions are needed to move you towards your goals? Nothing will happen without action. This is the vital ingredient to take you from where you are to where you want to be.  Think of your actions in terms of steps or short term goals towards your longer term choice of future.

  •  Do you have passion for your goals?

Do your goals excite you – are you passionate about them. If not then it’s not likely that you’ll achieve the goals easily. Without passion and personal drive to achieve your goals how will you overcome obstacles that come your way?

Be passionate about what you want for yourself. You owe it to yourself to strive for and achieve success.

What’s at stake for you to lose or to gain? Imagine its 6 months or a year from now and nothing has changed. What are the implications? Your life will not get better just by chance. You need to drive the change.

‘Be passionate and move forward with gusto in every single hour of every single day, until you reach your goals.’

                                                                                                                                 Ava DuVernay

 Make 2016 your year!


Tony Gaskin is credited with the following quote,

‘If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs.”

Remember whatever your goals are– you deserve to set and control the change required to achieve them. You owe it to yourself to do this, don’t give up on yourself – you can achieve a future you want for yourself.

Now it’s up to you. Don’t put off this task. Be proactive about your future and create it for yourself.

Author: Dianne Rowe

Dianne is an Executive & Leadership Coach for Engineers (and other clever people) & lead recruiter at Rowe & Co, Global Search Consultants in Oil & Gas, Power & Water.

Dianne knows that engineers have a tendency to undersell their skills and knowledge, causing them to be conservative in career aspirations. Leadership coaching with Dianne Rowe can help you to see your strengths and learn to expand and grow, both personally and professionally.


Career Coaching, Coaching Tips, Inspiration