3 Key Steps to Build a Future of Your Choice

Life is complex and busy for us all.  It is really easy to be caught up in the challenges of day to day living and as a result lose sight of the future. John Lennon said ‘Life’s what happens when you’re busy making other plans’. This rings true for many of us.

Despite the busy nature of our lives there are three simple, but often overlooked questions that can get us back on track.

First question:

  • What would a future of your choice look like?

To clarify your thoughts, picture in your mind what your future would look like and how it will make you feel.  Identify what are the most important aspects of your future in terms or importance and who will be involved. It may help to write it down and share with others. This can help you to be specific about your thoughts, rather than ‘I want to be successful in business and make money’. The way to really aspire to and reach goals is to make them specific and achievable.

This quote from Zig Ziglar, successful business leader and author, sums it up perfectly: “If you want to reach a goal, you must ‘see the reaching’ in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.”


Second question:

  • Where are you currently? What’s your current reality?

We are our harshest of critics in describing our successes or challenges. This is a common trend and one to be aware of when thinking of where you are in relation to your future. To understand present reality, talk this through with a trusted friend to identify current positives and challenges. Identification of your present reality will be the basis for successful action towards your preferred future.


Third question:

  • What actions are necessary to create your future?

You’ve put some thought into your goals and you have a clearer picture of where you want to be in your future, the next step is to identify what is needed to get you there. What actions are needed to move you towards your goals? Nothing will happen without action. This is the vital ingredient to take you from where you are to where you want to be.  Think of your actions in terms of steps or short term goals towards your longer term choice of future.

Now it’s up to you. Don’t put off this task. Be proactive about your future and create it for yourself!


Career Coaching, Coaching Tips, Inspiration, Uncategorized